RESPECT-4-RESPECT - Stand your Ground Law

RESPECT-4-RESPECT - Stand your Ground Law
CLICK photo. SIGN-UP, FRIDAY, February 21, 2014

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Candidate Representative LA TONYA JOHNSON seeks Senate Leadership - District 6

SUNDAY, March 6, 2016
SENATE DISTRICT 6 is NOT up for grabs because of ENDORSEMENTS of representatives of a caucus group.
Candidate Representative LA TONYA JOHNSON has to make herself known to Milwaukeeans – CORE CONSTITUENTS. We need to see what she has done in an aggregate fashion during her tenure as the Representative of District 17.
She must sell her WORTH by her behavior and practices so far. We need to see where she has spent her time – who, when, where, how? We are looking for her “fingerprint” of Merit.
She was one of the ones who SOLD OUT the People in the NBA MEGA Bucks Deal when it came time for her vote that has us strapped with 30 years of Involuntary Servitude of tax support. Too often, we the People really do not know many of the folk that come out for election. The candidates use broad-brushing sound-bytes to promote their messaging of non-substance. They SURROUND themselves with well-known neighborhood groups and leaders that are fleecing the people and perpetuating Enduring Concentrated Poverty. They SURROUND themselves with Democrat or Republican affiliation to garner their candidacy.
We know there will be the pile-on of those who see Candidate Rep Johnson as a candidate to consider, and that is their right. However, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC will look at things like have you responded to inquiries by the People? Have you met regularly and forthrightly with the constituency of Milwaukee? What specifically you have done that merit you moving to the front of the line with LEADERSHIP and STEWARDSHIP? What can we expect from the 4 of you?
We must look at behavior – patterns and practices – of anyone that is running for this office or any office. They must roll-up their sleeves, come to the People with substance specifics, 1-2-3 and show they are WORTHY of VOTE.
So, if Candidate Representative LaTonya Johnson wants to be elected, she needs substance that speaks to leadership, stewardship, partnerships, entrepreneurship, citizenship, ownership, scholarship, fellowship and honoring Oath of Office.
We demand re-defining, re-branding and UN-trapping incarcerated and the People of the 6th Senate District


Rep. Evan Goyke - 18th District
SUNDAY, March 6, 2016
MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION LLC - People Council of Milwaukee seeks clarity and economic development in Milwaukee. This is the time for ACCOUNTABILITY - SHOW-AND-TELL.
Public Policy temperament and paths forward to Re-defining, Re-branding and UN-Trapping African-American, other People of Color and Cultures and Work Challenged individuals-FAMILIES-HIDDEN TALENT is a MUST.
Too often, we have the CORE CONSTITUENTS left-out of the Fingerprint of Merit.  MPA LLC speaks up and out for those folk.  Period. 
SENATE DISTRICT 6 is NOT up for grabs because of namesake, questionable, and UN-INCLUSIVE fingerprint of the customers, owner of 27th Street Tobacco and Wireless Bill 628 or ENDORSEMENTS of representatives and cronies from Milwaukee.
Candidate Representative EVAN GOYKE, District 18, has to make himself known to Milwaukeeans – CORE CONSTITUENTS. We need to see what he has done in an aggregate fashion during his past four years of leadership at the census tract and neighborhood level to know about and enhance the lives of his constituents in quality of life and economic development.
Who has he spoken to and for to understand the mired condition of Enduring Concentrated Poverty that drives risky behavior and safety matters? How often has he worked against the glaring rigged economy of Milwaukee? These are his neighbors – individuals and families – that live right around him on State – Kilbourn, Wells, Highland and the nearby Aldermanic District 4. They are the over 2,500 monthly count that visit daily Our Savior Lutheran Church, 11:30am – 12:30pm for meals.
He must sell his WORTH by his behavior and practices so far to impact profiling of law enforcement, incarceration and creating statutes that will seek remedy to discrimination, profiling, misuse of city government powers, misuse of public funding and building HOPE. We need to see where he has spent his time in the neighborhood – who, when, where, how? We are looking for his “fingerprint” of Merit.
Since Representative Goyke has served as the “delegation leader” for Milwaukee, he provided leadership in SELLING OUT the People in the NBA BUCKS MEGA GREED Deal and helped to strap his constituents and other Milwaukeeans with 30 years of Involuntary Servitude of tax support.
Too often, we the People really do not know many of the folk that come out for election. The candidates use broad-brushing sound-bytes to promote their messaging of non-substance. It is not enough to SURROUND himself with Alderman Robert Bauman, Mayor Tom Barrett, Penfield, Avenues West, Marquette, Harley Davidson and their out-of-the-neighborhood board members – those often exercising behavior of elitism, blame, bias and exclusion while fleecing the people and perpetuating Enduring Concentrated Poverty. This includes the Democratic Party.
Rep. Goyke needs to hit the streets where he lives and reach out to those of us who are working to ensure that the city of Milwaukee is re-designing, re-branding and UN-Trapping the individuals, FAMILIES and HIDDEN TALENT in the 18th District.
The temperament and path forward will need his fingerprint and persuasion of the electorate that are African American, other People of Color and Cultures and the Work Challenged.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

BACK STORY - Mary Glass ask, All Hands on Deck for neighborhoods in the NEW Bucks Arena bid? The Renewal Plan - The ROI

ALAN SILVER - NBA Commissioner


L-R:  CHRIS ABELE, Milwaukee County Executive, SCOTT WALKER, WI Governor, TOM BARRETT, Milwaukee Mayor

MAY 6, 2015
On May 5, 2015, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO/CVO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC released a denunciatory article on the Code of Conduct of those leading the discussions on the possibility of the a NEW Milwaukee Bucks Stadium in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
It is available for FULL viewing at:

BACK STORY - APRIL 6, 2015 - Solana Patterson-Ramos and Supreme Moore Omokunde - Candidates for 10th District

City Center Milwaukee | DAY 217 |  Today's interview was held with the two (2) candidates running for the remainder of the term of District 10 Supervisor David Bowen - Resigned and is now at the State level as Representative District 10.

The two (2) candidates are:
  • Solana Patterson-Ramos
  • Supreme Moore Omokunde
Solana Patterson-Ramos
To serve as an open minded, positive, problem solving leader as well as a lifelong learner. To educate people on community problems and to help make the Milwaukee County a better place to live and grow for all people. 

Bachelors of Arts in Community Engagement and Education candidate with over 5 years leadership experience with national and local non-profit organizations. Background in managing events, programs and projects. 
Specific capabilities include:
• Excels at problem solving, conflict resolution and effective communication.
• Significant experience collaborating with teams and mentoring new leaders
• Proficient in Microsoft office suite and social media 
• UW-Milwaukee Student Leader of the year, 2012
• Study multiple cultures and have been part of a wide range of different campus organization which gives me a different view of the world. 

Solana Patterson-Ramos is a political activist who serves as a volunteer community liason for North Division High School and a member of the school’s Advisory Council. She is also a board member of the Social Development Association, headed the ACLU chapter at UW-Milwaukee and helped organize a “die-in” by students where they protested the killing of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. She has worked for six years as an administrative assistant for the UWM African American Student Academic Services.
Supreme Moore Omokunde
I am Supreme Moore Omokunde, humbly seeking an opportunity to represent you on the Milwaukee County Board.

I have received superb training in community leadership through the National Americorps Program, Public Allies. As a Community Organizer, I have over a decade of experience in effective multi-cultural engagement with families and youth through the Boys and Girls Club, the YMCA, Riverwest Neighborhood Assn., Sherman Park Neighborhood Association and TrU Skool. I am also a member of the Democratic Party.

I come to this task with a keen interest in policy under the jurisdiction of the County Board that will more effectively utilize our public parks system to engage youth and bring community stakeholders, the District Attorney's office and the court system together to promote peaceful engagement, educational opportunity and upward mobility to our most valuable asset, our youth. I will protect the County's stewardship over the well-being of our elders through programs such as Family Care and resist balancing the budget on the backs of seniors. I will work diligently for Transportation solutions to enhance citizen access throughout the County including to our differently abled populations. Transportation policy is the key to promote economic development, to create jobs and to sustain our environment.

My passion for public service began at age eight when I joined my parents, Gwen Moore and Tolokun Omokunde, in working relentlessly for a better community. I have named my campaign, "Supreme 4 the People", because my mission is to serve you. As I travel from door to door, I hope to meet you personally. Please consider voting for me and joining me on a journey of service for the people

Comments shared during Phone interview

Candidate Omokunde
1) What made you throw your hat into the ring for Supervisor of the 10th District?
  • An opportunity. Have often pushed others to run for office - took my own advice.
2) What are the top quality of life and/or economic development issues do you see are necessary for District 10?
  • Access to development - Transit/Mass Transit/Bus routes that take individuals to employment and routes available late to get employees home after their late shift. 
  • Would seek Street car/mass transit funding to ensure that transportation is to and in all areas of Milwaukee.
  • Parks space used to assist in community building space for families and youth development - youth respected.
  • Intergovernmental relations for solving problems.
3)  What is/are your priority issues if you are elected as the Supervisor of the 10th District?
  • Meet with colleagues and get job assignments and committees.
  • Vehicles to promote development,
  • Decide issues to support - seek funding for issues to benefit the 10th District.
Candidate Patterson-Ramos
1) What made you throw your hat into the ring for Supervisor of the 10th District?
  • Saw position as a perfect opportunity to shape policy.
  • Make a difference - A step up from community liaison - present  action.
2) What are the top quality of life and/or economic development issues do you see are necessary for District 10?
  • Make sure that quality of life includes care of small projects that help the People; i.e.,ensuring that the bus stops (shelters) are cleaned, places for strollers and elderly/disabled - when it snows, see that the snow is removed.
  • Job development - 53206 (shadow of negatives) - support business and employment.
  • Education program - opportunities beyond norm; low-income student housing.
  • Reduce homeless/job development.
  • Website marketed for up-to-date jobs and community businessess
  • Support Streetcar projects that honor promises of jobs.
  • Seek partnership for solving problems - new business and education for growth for entrepreneurship.
  • Research in-city and across-country to solve issues; i.e., homelessness and low-income housing. 
  • Access to development - Transit/Mass Transit/Bus routes that take individuals to employment.
3)  What is/are your priority issues if you are elected as the Supervisor of the 10th District?
  • Research conditions for solutions; i.e., Salt Lake City who has impacted and diminished their homelessness - see if such a program can be used here in Milwaukee.
  • Low income student housing to promote more students going to vocation and 4-year college and preparing for the marketplace - helping with issues that impact decision-making for going to college - providing options and Hope that impact safety issues and preparation of the workforce - using same program to promote volunteerism while making the city of Milwaukee more attractive to remain in the city.
April 7, 2015 is the date to elect one of these capable and exciting candidates.

The Candidate that wins will be back to the voters in 2016 for a FULL term.

BACK STORY - APRIL 16, 2015 - 8 Reasons to join in the discussion - Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum

La'Frisko Lewis, Solana Ramos and C Terrance Anderson

City Center Milwaukee | DAY 227 |  Have you RESERVED your space for SATURDAY TALK, April 18, 2015, 10:15am - 12 Noon?

Here are 8 reasons to do so.  They are:

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to raise awareness of an issue that affects the present and future quality of life and economic development of our brothers, fathers, sons, uncles, cousins, grandfathers as well as the city they live in. 

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to bring attention to a citizen of the city of Milwaukee - a stakeholder, taxpayer, employee, entrepreneur, employer, neighbor and leader requiring our commitment of support.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to shed a BRIGHT light on 53206 Incarceration population grid.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to speak to how the stigmatization of Incarceration has disrupted the lives of those incarcerated and their “FAMILIES”.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to bring NEEDED RESOURCES and NEEDED PEOPLE to the table.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to “Follow the Money” and legislation as a result of Truth & Sentencing.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is to get-U-INVOLVED.

Black Male Incarceration Matters Forum #1 is your first step to be engaged - to  hear information and share information for decision making and changes that are appropriate as a citizen, significant other, family member, neighbor, elected official, clergy person, teacher, law enforcer, attorney, judge, stakeholder, taxpayer, employment counselor, temporary agency, returnee from incarceration and parole officer.

La’Frisko Lewis, Solana Patterson Ramos and C Terrance Anderson.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Can the poor save capitalism?

  • Is America's prosperity tied to engaging its poorest citizens? Operation HOPE Founder John Hope Bryant explains how rebuilding the path to the middle class for the poor could create a stronger economy for all.

MEET LA'Frisko Lewis - Discussionist, July 26, 2014

July 10, 2014
Milwaukee - Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC 4-Month Invoked Atonement #4 Assembly was held on Saturday, July 26, 2014, Center Street Library, 2727 W. Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, WI  53210.

War on Incarceration, Employment and Vision 2050

La'Frisko Lewis, Business Student, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee was the Discussionist on:

Black Males Incarceration Rate in Wisconsin
He wrote about the findings found in the recent report, "Wisconsin’s Mass Incarceration of African American Males: 
Workforce Challenges for 2013" by:  John Pawasarat and Lois M. Quinn, Employment and Training Institute, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, his research observations and personal experience.

He gave nine (9) reasons for the Incarceration rate and 4 solutions. 

According to La’Frisko Lewis, there are 9 reasons that lead to the high Incarceration of Black Males.  They are:
1.         Police Traffic Stops
2.         Revoked Driver’s Licenses and Transportation
3.         Limited Job opportunities
4.         Racial segregation to Racial divide
5.         Parking tickets - issuance and building debt
6.         Drug laws - all of them
7.         Mandatory sentencing
Seventy-five to eight-five (75%-85%) percent of all inmates in Wisconsin prison are related to drugs
8.         Unemployment among Black Men in Milwaukee, WI
9.         Recidivism - Go back to prison within 3 years.

There are four (4) solutions.  They are:
Lewis provided 4 sets of solutions for Black male incarcerations.  They are:  I). Employment; II). Laws and Policies; III).  Education Programs; and,  IV). Medical Programs.

I.       Employment Programs

•              Better opportunities in and out of the city of Milwaukee for family-supporting jobs.
•              Better opportunities for public transportation to jobs in and outside of the city.
•              Better communication centers for information sharing of labor, incarceration laws, probation and revoked licenses.
II.       Laws and Policies
•              Revisit laws and regulations that allow harassing and profiling of African American and others with replacements of laws and regulations for Code of Conduct that disallow abuse of power, discrimination, violation of rights with punishment of police officers that disobey.
•              Strict enforcement of civil rights laws of 1964, Amendment 13 and Amendment 14.
•              Revisit parking violation laws that constantly add amounts - this creates problems for those who do not have jobs and/or cannot pay.
•              Revisit ALL the laws that have strict mandates where the violation or crime does not match the punishment.
•              Use of ways to seek restitution from offenders that are outside of the prison system and can be contributions to society through work programs.
•              Less funding to the thriving business of prisons
Funding the corporations of prisons are promoting the increase in imprisonment and wasting taxpayer money. Let’s find a way for prisons and prisoners can pay for their stay and more money can be spent on educating people on how not to go to prison.

III.       Education Programs
•              Provide training of laws regarding “stop and seizure” is one way to start educating the consumer.  This would include the recent Supreme Court decision regarding police use of data on “cell phones”.
•              More after school programs that are affordable and accessible for education advancement, exposure to marketplace variety, improvement (including drug-free courses) can help curve and end the massive incarceration among Milwaukee young African American males.
•              More vocational training
Creating more programs like Job corps can help the young black men. Even job corps is not publicizing for the youth know there are other options and they never failed to short to succeed.

IV.     Medical Programs
•           Substance abuse treatment (Probation)

This is a MAJOR problem I believe investing more into substance abuse treatment programs can help decrease the violation of probation. Substance abuse is one of the main reasons young males in Milwaukee returns back to prison.
•           Stop cutting funding to counseling

Cutting funds to counseling is a major problem considering the fact that a lot of young black men who sell deals also use of drugs.  Counseling can help in numerical cases.  Disable families, molestation, orphans, etc.  Most substance abuse is created from situation just stated.
•           Stopping the process early in childhood (mandatory to take drug-free classes throughout

Make it Mandatory to take drug-free classes throughout school, creating an awareness of the consequences of selling and using drugs.
•           Substance abuse treatment (Probation)
            This is a MAJOR problem I believe investing more into substance abuse treatment programs can                   help decrease the violation of probation. Substance abuse is one of the main reasons young males in               Milwaukee returns back to prison.
•          Stop cutting funding to counseling
           Cutting funds to counseling is a major problem considering the fact that a lot of young black men who            sell deals also use of drugs.  Counseling can help in numerical cases.  Disable families, molestation,                orphans, etc.  Most substance abuse is created from situation just stated.
•         Stopping the process early in childhood (mandatory to take drug-free classes throughout school)
           Make it Mandatory to take drug-free classes throughout school, creating an awareness of the                        consequences of selling and using drugs.

More information on crime awareness in the community.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ta-Nehisi Coates with Bill Moyer

Why listen? To be informed. To offer you a thought to examine that is so critical in today's world. To directly look at "Racism-bigotry-exploitation-discrimination-disenfranchisement". To help make the world you live in BETTER. To recognize your biases and prejudices; and, to critique you.

Advice on Writing From The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates

Listen for the window of wisdom and advancing your skill-set. 


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Save the Girls of Nigeria - A Cry out for the girls and their families

Enlarge - click photo
NIGERIA, Africa |

Nigeria's kidnapped girls sold into marriage

More than 200 kidnapped girls and women have been reportedly sold into marriage with their Boko Haram abductors for $12.

Scores of young girls and women kidnapped from a school in Nigeria are being forced to marry their Boko Haram abductors, a local human rights group has reported.

Halite Aliyu, of the Borno-Yobe People’s Forum, told the Associated Press on Wednesday that more than 200 girls who were kidnapped two weeks ago had been sold to the fighters for $12.
Aliyu said the information given about the mass weddings was coming from villagers in the Sambisa Forest, on Nigeria’s border with Cameroon where Boko Haram was known to have a number of hideouts.

"The latest reports are that they have been taken across the borders, some to Cameroon and Chad,'' Aliyu said.

It was not possible to verify the reports.
Community elder Pogu Bitrus of Chibok town, from where the girls were abducted, told the BBC's Hausa service that some of the kidnapped girls "have been married off to insurgents"

FBI Poised to Head to Nigeria to Help Rescue Kidnapped Girls
Terrorist Group Vows to Sell Kidnapped School Girls in Nigeria

Friday, April 25, 2014

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC 4-MONTH Atonement Kick-off was held on Holy Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 24, 2014
City Center Milwaukee | Today, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is proud to announce the next 4 dates of the 2014 FOUR (4) MONTH Invoked Atonement Discussion Assemblies - APRIL 7, 2014 - AUGUST 7, 2014.  

They are:
SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014       -    9:00am - 10:30am    
Wisconsin Black Historical Society
2620 W. Center Street - 27th & Center

SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014     -    9:00am - 10:30am
Wisconsin Black Historical Society
2620 W. Center Street - 27th & Center

SATURDAY, JULY 19, 2014     -     9:00am - 10:30am    
Wisconsin Black Historical Society
2620 W. Center Street - 27th & Center

SATURDAY, AUG 16, 2014     -      9:00am - 10:30am    
Wisconsin Black Historical Society
2620 W. Center Street - 27th & Center

On Saturday, April 19, 2014, a NEW, HISTORICAL and SPECIAL meeting was convened to kick-off a 4-MONTH Atonement with 1-2-3 Actions to begin to put in place LIKE MINDS leadership and stewardship for Milwaukeeans, starting with the Amani area and the District 15. 

Charter Attendees
Auriea Mosley, NSP 6 Harambee - Westcare Wisconsin, Inc.; Sister Patricia Rogers - Dominican Center; Dr. Linda Mistele - MATC;Clayborn Benson - Wisconsin Black Historical Society, Stephen Adams- Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and Mary Glass- Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.

The one hour and a half meeting discussion was filled with spiritual Invocation for the meeting, neighborhood and census tract overview for the meeting, Stephen Adams informative overview of requested SEWRPC consulting, questions and comments by the engaged attendees of the the group.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC provided an "in print" handout of its first ONLINE Financial focus Newsletter.  CLICK.
Adams provided take away copies of examples of helpful information that can be downloaded from the internet that provide state-of-the art data that SEWRPC has available for use.

The three (3) areas of focus for the 4-MONTH Atonement are:
  • LAND
It was sponsored by Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC.  It is/was mind and Mission (individual and organization) brought to the table for All Hands on Deck, WE CAN engagement for good and implementation with partnership in mind.  Its collective Mission is Upscalability in quality of life and economic development at the census tract and neighborhood level.

It is to address LAND, PEOPLE, and RESOURCES.
It is to look at Smart Growth Implementation.
It is to look at a NEW Comprehensive Plan for Fond du Lac/North Avenue.
It is to look at Urban gentrification that takes land with monopoly-oligopoly wherewithal - money, caucasian-based, purchased history, etc..
It is to identify the engagers - one-by-one.
It is to INFORM and REFORM with the leadership at the census tract and neighborhood level with citizen participation.
It is to bring INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY to Amani.
It is to bring full-scaled and working day-by-day:
  • citizenship
  • scholarship
  • apprenticeship
  • fellowship
  • entrepreneurship
  • partnership
  • leadership, and
  • stewardship
It is to follow the funding of government and federated dollars.

It is to analyze public polices of public officers at the city government level, especially the common council and mayor of the city of Milwaukee.

It is to look at disenfranchisement of funding and exploitation of African American, other People of Color and Work Challenged Milwaukeeans resources and the 14th Amendment.

It is to look at the civil and criminal possibilities of the 19-year fiasco 4-Phase North Avenue Commerce Center between the city of Milwaukee, Boldt Development, Irgens Development and Sisters of Assisi St. Ann Center. 

It is to look at fraud, defrauding and misrepresentation of resources sent to empower the census tract that never reach the target.

it is misrepresentation of regulations, guidelines and waivers for use of government funds by local municipalities.

It is lack of accountability and monitoring practices by local municipalities in charge of oversight of federal funds.

Spaces going fast for next event.
R.S.V.C.P - Reserve space for concerned participant.  
CLICK Below to read a posting of the April 19, 2014 Kick-off event on Newsvine.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Kick-Off Discussion Assembly

Complimentary copies of Matthew A. Johnson Fellas and Sisters were handouts.