RESPECT-4-RESPECT - Stand your Ground Law

RESPECT-4-RESPECT - Stand your Ground Law
CLICK photo. SIGN-UP, FRIDAY, February 21, 2014

Monday, June 25, 2012


MILWAUKEE (MPA) - June 25, 2012, Milwaukee Professionals Association the host sponsor of Safety Matters Exploratory Team has taken the website off PAUSE.

For over three months, NEW discussions and strategic planning for the Mission of the website has gone under re-dress.

We are yet a website that focus on "Hidden Talent" that is young, young adult and not so young who pursue academic and technological attainment that will share their skills and intellect in a way that will help them, their generation, their neighborhood and the world.

College students and alums are a specific college focus.
Young adults pursuing employment and/or a career is a focus

The Posse' represents the high school students that see the benefit in rubbing elbow with progressives.

Facebook page: has exploded the last two days and added 38 NEW people to our facebook.